Five Minute Friday: Young

(For my grandchildren, with love and gratitude.)

May we in our maturity keep finding delight
in butterflies, birds, and bubbles in flight.

May we in our wisdom always leave room
to discover new ways we may learn, grow and bloom.

May we with our wounds and scars and tears
remain sensitive, innocent, tender, and dear.

May we with our busy schedules not find
we have missed out on moments to love and be kind.

May we who have traveled this road a long way
not keep from exploring new paths today.

May we who have weathered all seasons and years
freshly welcome the morning as sunlight appears.  

(This is a prompt from Kate Motaung’s Five Minute Friday, an online writing community- I encourage you to visit her link- listed under the photo- and read what other writers have posted, too!)

18 Comments on “Five Minute Friday: Young

  1. This is wonderful and so loving. Happy to have found you this morning!


    • Thank you- and I just found yours! What a gift this is, to connect with one another. Thanks for your encouragement!


  2. I agree with usan…this is perfect, Karen. So warm, and so heartfelt.
    And so far from me now, but there’s one thing left.
    I hope this note will reach
    you, my young brave-hearted friend,
    for all I can now teach you
    is how to meet your end.
    Remember thou art born of kings,
    though you may not wear a crown,
    and the finest of all things
    is not to let them down.
    When there can be no retrreat,
    when you’re back-to-back;
    gird your heart and keep your feet,
    and then – YOU attack
    to write bright finish to your story
    and meet thy God in clouds of glory.
    It’s so bad now, and seeing the symptoms develop, with no stopping, it turns my knees to jelly. But your bright words tell me what I must yet be, in the time remaining, and I’ll do my best.
    May I share with you a couplet from James Elroy Flecker’s “The Gates of Damascus”? It’s long given me comfort; and especially now.
    And God shall make thy body pure, and give thee knowlede to endure
    This ghost-life’s piercing phantom-pain, and bring thee out to Life again.
    This comment is written with love, on the 24th day of July, in the year of Our Lord 2020


    • 😭❤ I hope you can know the love and gratitude I feel to have connected with you, my precious friend. I will share this with my grandchildren.
      You have already finished well, and I hope that you now continue your “cool down after the race” for a while, in the afterglow of the run, catching your breath, savoring the moments, embracing the people who are here to celebrate your win. For indeed, you have won. Much love.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved this! I especially want to keep finding delight! There is so much delight…but I am afraid I often miss it or overlook it – as I moan and groan about this “older” stage of life. Shame on me.


    • Thanks so much, Jennifer- for visiting, and for your kind words! Yes- “delight” was the first thought that came to me this morning. May we continue to find this precious joy!


  4. I love this Karen, especially “may we with our wounds and scars and tears
    remain sensitive, innocent, tender, and dear.”
    Inspiring words for this season in my life as well.
    Be blessed!


  5. Once more you packed so much Godly Wisdom in a 5 Minute Poetic Prayer❣️Our young have much to teach us and their new joy in the things they do is full of Blessings for us as they bring back warm memories of what as formed us ❣️Blessings always❣️💕❤️💖🙏🙏🙏🙏😇

    PS Thanks for the link to other 5 minute Posts🤗


  6. Thank you, Pat- and yes, I hope you had a chance to read the posts of other writers! My grandchildren teach me, show me, remind me of what is important in this life. Sending love to you and Sandi!


  7. This is just beautiful in every way. So grateful to have stopped here this morning!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. How you bless so many..including /especially me 😊 (New pic of you & Jim?….cute!!!)


  9. Thank you my dear friend! (You know you’re always in my heart.) And yes, this photo was taken last Thanksgiving. It was time to update!
