Noticing Day: A Time of Gratitude


Since my time with cancer, I consider every day a bonus day; a day to be savored and lived abundantly. This has increased my mindfulness about daily living as well as my awareness of cherished moments. Recently I’ve noticed that many of my daily routines and habits have now become sacred rituals for me. Gratitude has made my daily living more holy and precious. Here are some of my sacred rituals I’ve noticed throughout the day. I hope these thoughts bring you joy- and also help you to discover the daily routines that may become your sacred rituals, savored with a thankful heart.

I love…

to awaken each morning by slowly stretching under warm and cozy flannel sheets

to drink a tall glass of water with lemon to be refreshed and re-hydrated each morning

to breathe in the aroma of freshly brewing coffee as we begin our day

to savor the taste of my hot coffee as it warms me and perks up my senses

to observe the peacefulness of the softly glowing candle on my desk

to open my journal to the fresh blank page that beckons me to begin

to write with any comfortable pen with smoothly flowing ink

to admire the orange glow on the trees outside my window as the sun rises

to sip my second cup of coffee with Jim as we read our daily meditation and pray

to walk outdoors and breathe in the fresh, brisk air

to listen to a variety of music on my iPod as I walk; for inspiration, comfort or motivation

to  notice the steam rise from glistening, frost-covered cars in the morning sunlight

to gaze into that deep teal blue of the sky on rare clear mornings

to save the best view at the top of the hill for the last leg of my walking route

to sing under the refreshing feel of a hot shower

(or to soak in a relaxing lavender bath)

to contemplate in quiet solitude at my writing desk

to enjoy the clean smell of warm clothes from the dryer and to fold laundry into neat piles

to decorate with a few items that bring me joy, special gifts from my loved ones

to drive to the school at 2:00 each day to take my grandsons home

to see their dear faces as they head my way

to hear their chattering voices and the stories they share

to treat them to “Monday Fun-day” ice cream at the beginning of each week

to help with homework, which has become a special bonding time with each of them

to receive each text, message or call from friends and loved ones

to return to our warm apartment and to hug my Honey

to smell the delicious dinner cooking on the stove

to share conversation over sparkling water before dinner

to call my mom each evening to exchange our “I love yous” and “goodnights”

to ponder the bright, full moon (so humbling) on a clear, cold night

to don my flannel pajamas and cuddle socks before making a cup of herbal tea

to read a good book as we wind down at the end of the day

to be comforted by the rhythmic sound of our clock ticking through the night

to say “goodnight” to the love of my life, to be thankful for another day with him

to thank God for yet another bonus day before closing my eyes to sleep

7 Comments on “Noticing Day: A Time of Gratitude

  1. I share the change cancer brings Have been surprised at How much my attitude has changed and as He gives me daily, how I am relying on Him and His People to teach me how much we can do. The Joy that having The Lord on my side make life wonderful ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reading this is like sitting and talking together. It is so you! You are a blessing to everyone in your life and you uplift us all.


  3. Found you through “Christ in our home” I am blessed that my wife and I share so many of those special moments. As we age, they are so important and a legacy for our grand children.


    • Thank you for sharing! Yes, I believe our aging is such a gift, encouraging us to treasure every moment. I like your thought, “a legacy for our grand children.” Thank you!


  4. I have appreciated your writing for Christ In Our Home, and I decided to visit this site. I saw that you have survived cancer, and since I am also a survivor, I am always interested in reflections from people like us. I had purchased “Letters from the Land of Cancer” by Walt Wangerin to learn from him.

    In 2004, I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia and received a bone marrow transplant. During my long recovery, I was close to death a number of times. When you overhear ER doctors saying that you probably won’t survive, your appreciation of life changes greatly. Laying there, I prayed, “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner.”

    Why do we survive and others don’t? You asked the question, and I don’t have the answer. A couple of years ago, a doctor new to me asked how I survived AML. I don’t know. I had lots of positives in my life, but I don’t know.

    What I do know is to live each day fully grateful for the gifts I have received!


    • You have had quite a journey, thank you for sharing this with me! Although my treatment was difficult, I never heard the words you heard in the ER. Wow. But yes, how our appreciation for life deepens after these times with cancer. I will need to read Walt’s book, thank you. Thank you for writing!
